Curly girls rise up

The Story of Curly Girl
In 2017, she made the bold decision to wear her short-cropped curly hair on the news in New Orleans. Ever since, her curls have been a source of admiration and inspiration to women and young girls who have seen her on the news.
Casey wrote this book to continue inspiring curly girls everywhere to embrace the beauty of their natural hair. The book and the character, Baylee, were born out of her experience as a young girl seeing black women on the news and aspiring to one day be a journalist. She hopes her charge to be her natural and authentic self, will show the importance of representation in media.
Casey is thrilled to invite you to join the Curly Girl movement by spreading positivity and promoting literacy. You are able to purchase bulk orders and even schedule a virtual book reading with the author or arrange for a virtual presentation lead by Casey on a variety of topics including:
Developing Self Love & Confidence
Representation in Media
Leveraging The Media to Grow Your Brand or Business
These presentations are available only with the purchase of 100 or more books. If you'd like to process a bulk order, please inquire about the available bulk pricing. For more information or to place an order, email